- Trope Name: Example of a trope entry with no sub-bullets.
- Trope Name: Example of a trope entry with sub-bullets.
- sub bullet point
- sub bullet point
- Trope Name: Example of a trope entry with a quote.
Name: quote.
Name: quote.
Dream / Stealing the Ricky Gervais Beach Ball
In my dream, Ricky Gervais visited my house and brought with him an autographed beach ball, which I was proud of myself for sneakily hiding in my closet.
The next morning, I made the meme to the right with the intention of posting it on r/thomastheplankengine. But I was still dreaming!
open/close all folders
This dream provides examples of:
Folder Name
Folder Name
- Trope Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
- Trope Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
- Trope Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.