Creator / Ricky Gervais

Ricky holding a golden globe.
"If I had a nickel for every time Ricky Gervais showed up in my dream, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice."
- me

Richard Dene Gervais is a Bri*ish comedian and actor. He's mostly famous for writing famous britcoms like The Office and Extras, and for having a red-colored name on Shinigami Eyes. He also keeps showing up in my dreams for some fucking reason???

It's not like I'm even a huge fan of Ricky Gervais or anything like that. I mean, I really like his early work with Steve Merchant and Karl Pilkington. I could care less for his later stuff, though. A modern Ricky Gervais bit usually has one of these things:

He was also in an obscure new-wave band called Seona Dancing. It became really famous in the Philipines, but absolutely nowhere else for some reason. If you want to mess with your friends' heads, make them listen to one of their songs and ask them to guess who the singer is.

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Dreams Ricky Gervais has showed up in:

...more like icky gervais amirite lol??!??!?1?